Customised Training Programmes / Workshops
Support for Community Transformation
Eden Alternative
Our company is unique in its offering of specialist nutritional care, so it only makes sense that the way we do things should be unique as well.
Enrichment & human resource development
We provide training programmes and workshops covering every aspect of the care and support journey, aiming at improving the lives of employees and the people they interact with. Our training programmes and workshops cover all aspects of care and provide practical and theoretical training for all levels of experience.
Skills Training topics include:
- Housekeeping
- Food Services
- Hygiene
- Employee Relations
- Special Diets
- Menu Planning
- Medication Management
Education and Development topics include:
- Next Level Mentoring
- Meaningful Engagement
- Matron to Mentor
- Living with Dementia
- Nutrition for Elders
- Wellness Programmes
Building better communities
The creation of age-friendly communities can only be realised through education and developing the capacity to support older persons.
GERATEC is currently working on a variety of projects to make this objective a reality. Our projects are focused on working with communities where we already provide services. We work with GERATEC clients who manage residential facilities, key role players in these facilities, and the older people themselves, to support and provide for older people wherever they live, depending on the needs of the community.
A better world is more than a possibility, it is a reality.
In 2010, Rayne Stroebel brought the Eden Alternative to South Africa after he completed his training as an Eden Alternative Associate both in the UK and Switzerland. In 2011, he was appointed the South African Eden Alternative Regional Coordinator by the American Eden Alternative Home Office. Sharing in the Eden Alternative’s mission to change the culture of institutional care, GERATEC has sponsored the organisation for the past eleven years.
The Eden Alternative is a philosophy that seeks to change the culture of today’s old age homes, retirement villages and other residential care settings from sterile medical institutions to human habitats – environments where residents want to live, and carers can enjoy working.
It encourages the continuation of residents’ personal growth and places value on what is important to the person – individual routines, pets, plants, and all the unique interests that make life worth living.
By adopting this philosophy, we address the unique needs of individuals and fight loneliness, helplessness, and boredom – reducing the need for medical interventions and drug therapies.
For more information about the Eden Alternative.
Workshops, Webinars & Talks
At GERATEC, relationship directed support is at the core of everything we do. We believe that it is within the interdependence of people that human beings can learn, grow, and flourish.
GERALEARN offers education and training not just to our own employees, but also to others in the industry. As an industry leader, with 26 years of experience, it is our privilege to share our knowledge and experience.